Design furniture

Tube and sheet-metal hydroforming

Design and Contract furniture, in a continuous quest for form and technology, is a never-ending challenge for industrial designers.

Modern international design since day one has been creating light, elegant, minimal forms, encouraging manufacturers and industrial designers to find new technologies to produce difficult shapes. Among these technologies, tube and sheet-metal hydroforming is an extraordinary solution.

Custumer problems and needs

In this case-study the client contacted Inoxveneta to discuss the producion of a finely-designed chair leg, after various negative experiences with wood and cast aluminium.

The traditional process did not provide a chair leg strong enough to withstand mechanical stress on the chair.

Inoxveneta solution: hydroformed leg

Due to the hydroforming of stainless steel, Inoxveneta successfully overcame all mechanical issues, producing a leg with all the necessary parameters:

The new hydroformed leg was implemented in a complete range of chairs and sofas that was presented at the Milano Fair meeting great success, and is currently in industrial production on our hydroforming lines.

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